Drink and drugs at the games

Well, Chelsea game is nearly upon us and I did eventually get a ticket from a scouser who sorted fellow brethren out. You wouldn’t mind if these people who were going were actually bothered about the game, but these are the same fans who get sorted by their ‘coroprate contacts’, or only go the match if they don’t have to make an effort to get their own tickets.

You know the ones who meet outside the ground, complete with replica kit with ‘God, 9’ on their back and liverpool tattoos on their arm, all on their annual viist to Anfield. Only arsed about going if a ticket is handed to them – fuck sitting on online sales since 6:00am pressing refresh, or sitting on phones in work scared in case your boss runs through the month end phone bill or comes in the office to hear you booking a ticket for the match.

And the mulling around the local bars with pissed up tourists, you know the group of Scandinavians who sit at the back of the pub singing one line of one song over and over again. Singing Luis Garcia, he drinks Sangria…..fucking 67 times – you’d think they have the decency to learn the right words…..!!!! :@

Let’s get one thing straight, there is a difference between having a few scoops with your mates before the game and talking about the football, but this is not what happens anymore. People fit the football in between their ‘Hollyoaks’ lifestyle, stumbling from the boozers with 15 minutes to go, eyes like piss holes in the snow barely able to focus, and you ask what is the fucking point? But hey, let’s stand on the kop and spark up a joint as well ‘cos I’m well ‘ard me mate. Which then asks the question, how are they going to enforce a smoking ban, when people have been actively smoking weed, just in front of the adult/child section with no reprimand.

They don’t see the game, and would be better to stay in the bar and carry on with their ‘session’, occassionally going the toilets to have a ‘pick me up’ line of beak off the rancid radiators or bog cistern. If you don’t think it goes on either, you’re already in the camp labelled ‘naive’. What is it straight after the game? Back to the local for a discussion about the game and euphoric or disappointment feelings? Is it fuck, straight in the bar, 3 pints please, quick pick-me-up after sitting for two hours through that shite, then talk about getting taxis into town with a bunch of wools or OOT’s to complete the magical experience and go down places like Slater Street, where you can fit right in with other posing beauts.

And that’s why Athens was such a fucking disgrace, tanked up beauts, stoned or hyped up on ‘bags of brown’, causing violence and shit. All the bandwagon jumpers since 2001 and then 2005. And yes, I’m including the stay away locals since 1996 in that as well, who decided to come out the woodwork and think they should automatically go the final because it’s their local club, despite cutting their connection years ago.

However, being a local I can fully understand why you wanted to stay away in the first place. Not wanting to sit next to some whoppa called Chelsea or Lewis in the actual stadium, with their Bulgaria flag and red perm comedy wigs. Instead, stay with your mates in the pub who couldn’t get a ticket even though they were stood next to you on the Kop during Souness when all these soccer am blurts where appreciating the Mancs midfield and drooling over them instead.

If you want to get totally loaded and do glamour drugs, so you feel like a ‘Hollyoaks’ or ‘Shameless’ lifestyle, then do it – just don’t waste a ticket for a proper fan who will appreciate it more.

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Filed under City Life, Culture, Football

3 responses to “Drink and drugs at the games

  1. Svea Mamma

    Nice rant.
    I was watching Souness on telly and Kevin too. And now when I got loads of money and can travel to Anfield, I don’t give a flying fuck what you think about us Scandinavian fans =)

  2. red 650

    football stadiums are going to be catering more and more for these types of fans so i think you’d better get used to it…
    the only way i think the grass-roots fan can be ‘respected’ is maybe if a return to standing came about, which might bring a more traditional feel back to match days for the more ‘serious’ match-goers. what would be your view on a return to standing and do you think it would help at all in the ‘scheme of things’?

  3. steggsy

    If you dont have liverpool on your birth certificate you should be allowed to buy a ticket !

    The club should look after its “home grown” fans first.

    The ones who have queue up for 3 hours in the wind and rain to get their tickets. Scared they would miss out cos off all these glory hunters gobbling them up.

    Istead Parry would rather have Ged the wool in his kappa trackie with his gold earing get one.

    Cos good old Ged with buy his liverpool pendent from the club shop, his stevie G poster too. Then into the ground for his glorified program, pie and a warm pint of carling.

    Then asking directions to his seat and trying to start the one chant he knows all game. Takin pictures on his mobile with his ywna ring tone and his lfc wallpaper bought off the website. Then phoning his mate saying “alright mate i am at the match yo know ” ! fucking woppa!!! But you see them every week.

    The club care more about your cold hard than your loyalty and thats the sad truth.

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